GU-81M tubes

    Two nice pieces were added to my collection of tubes :). Theese are a Russian (Soviet) pentodes GU-81M with the anode dissipation of 450W (600W max 3 minutes). They have a diameter of 10 cm, height 24cm. They are directly heated. Voltage 12.6 V and current of 10A. Max. anode current is 600 mA, voltage 3000V up to 6MHz, 24MHz up to 2500V and 1500V up to 50MHz. Max. peak anode voltage (anode modulation) may be twice that. Minimal guaranteed lifetime is 1000h. Guaranteed power output (up to 25 meters range) 750W, and at the end of life 675W. Loss of g2 120W, loss of g1 10W. Slope 4,5-6,5 mA / V. Max. bulb temperature of 350 deg. C.

Here you can find the datasheets of theese tubes: datasheet GU-81 (1), datasheet GU-81 (2), datasheet GU-81 (3).

GU-81M GU-81 GU81M GU81  with sockets
GU-81M (GU-81, GU81M, GU81) with sockets

GU-81M GU-81 GU81M GU81 inserted into slots
inserted into slots

GU-81M GU-81 GU81M GU81 inserted into slots

GU-81M heating - glowing heater
heating - glowing heater

glowing heater

Both GU-81M tubes with heater on
Both GU-81M tubes with heater on

gu81m sdelano v sssr gu81-M
Marking of GU-81M (one of them is probably vintage 1971 and second one is 1986) and the "sdelano v CCCP (SSSR)" inscription

Socket of GU81 from bottom
Socket of GU81 from bottom

slot for GU-81M From top
slot for GU-81M From top

GU81 tube from top
tube from top

GU-81 -  both tubes from top
both tubes from top

Video - testing heaters of GU-81 and inserting into sockets.
