I have developed an improved power supply for laser diode - current stabilizer with
the circuit 7805. With 33R resistor it gives about 155 mA current. The current is calculated according to the formula: I = 0.005 + (5 / R). The current is determined by
that the resistance has 5 volts accross it, therefore, current can be calculated according to Ohm's law. The quiescent current of
7805 from the "ground" pin, should be added, which is 5 mA (0.005A). 7805 stabilizer requires adequate heat sink. Supply voltage is about 10 - 30V.
(The voltage does not affect the current.) At higher voltages 7805 heats more. The current source can also be created with
LM317 circuit, see diagram below.
focused beam of laser diodes from CD-RW with a 155 mA supply can light a match
within 1-3 seconds.