Electric dog anti-bark (bark control) collar
(Reverse Engineered Schematics)
Schematic of an electronic dog anti-bark (bark control) collar. Cheap product from China. It runs on a small 6V battery and it is controlled by an unmarked integrated circuit.
When the microphone detects the sound of barking, it warns the dog using a sound from a piezo loudspeaker. If barking continues, it warns the dog using an electric shock.
The required voltage is provided by a transformer.
Testing the electric dog bark control collar using a neon lamp.
It gives mild electric shocks.
Battery space of the bark control collar.
With the electrodes removed. Here you can see two buttons for higher and lower microphone sensitivity.
Opened electric anti-barking collar for dogs.
Circuit board from top side. On the top left you can see the shocking transformer.
Circuit board from bottom side.
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